Sushi For The Masses

One of the most significant challenges for humanity is to make high-quality food available to everyone. In the U.S., the biggest challenge for the sustainable and organic food movement has been to make food affordable. Good food is expensive, but it doesn't have to be. My goal with the "Sushi for the Masses" menu is to make the highest-quality food, with the highest-level care and artistry, available to all people. Our award-winning restaurant will never exclude anyone because they cannot afford to eat here.

When Marie Antoinette supposedly said, "Let them eat cake," without compassion for those who did not even have bread, a revolution over food began that took her head with it.

In the great dynasties of China, a sure sign that the emperor had lost the mandate of heaven was when famine struck his people. Invariably, that dynasty would come to a violent end.

As the wealthiest nation on Earth, we Americans are the queens and emperors of the world. It is our duty to make sure that all of our brothers and sisters are well-fed.

One day, it will be one of our greatest achievements when we feed each and every human being on the planet nourishing, sustainable food.

Good food cannot be classist.

[Vegetable Sushi For The Masses]
[Seafood Sushi For The Masses]

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